skin boosters
Skin boosters are versatile skincare treatments suitable for all skin types, renowned for revitalising dull, dehydrated, & rough skin, often referred to as skin glow treatments.
This substance works to maintain hydration of the skin by binding closely with water & supporting vital collagen & elastin, which work to maintain the integrity & suppleness of our skin.
They can be applied to various facial areas, with a primary focus on the lower face & neck due to its tendency to sag with age. Additionally, skin boosters effectively rejuvenate the backs of hands, diminishing the visibility of tendons & other signs of ageing.
These treatments are essential for enhancing skin hydration & addressing superficial fine lines by stimulating collagen production. As we age, collagen levels decrease, leading to thinning facial skin. So rather than placing topical moisturisers & creams hoping for absorption, consider skin boosters as this treatment moisturises the skin from the inside.